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Volunteer with us

If you are interested in volunteering with us, please contact us directly and let us know how long you wish to volunteer for and in what capacity and we will make all the arrangements for you.

Teacher Volunteers

Childspace Foundation is currently looking for interested and enthusiastic volunteers willing to teach in one of our supported schools in the Kavre district of Nepal. At the moment we are looking for volunteers for the short-term (approximately 3 weeks), who will be placed in homestay with a local family. They will have the opportunity to experience and share their own and the local culture and lifestyle.

Healthcare Volunteers

Childspace Foundation is urgently searching for experienced healthcare volunteers, either qualified or medical students, to aid in Sadbhav Community Hospital, Kavre, Nepal. You would be staying in the dispensary set up by Childspace Foundation and supporting medical staff with basic health check-ups and occasionally delivering healthcare in surrounding villages.

Practical Information

Before setting out for your volunteering experience, the Childspace Foundation staff will brief you on all the practical nuances of culture that you should be aware of.

Our work is concentrated in the Kavre district (the central hill region) of Nepal, which is around 2 hours drive from Kathmandu. This area is mainly inhabited by people of the Tamang ethnic group, one of the indigenous people of Nepal, who have a distinct identity, social structure, language and culture of their own. The Tamang language is from the Tibeto-Burman linguistic family and most Tamangs practice Tibetan Buddhism.

The Tamangs are a very welcoming, open-minded and hard-working people. Unfortunately, Tamangs have historically been discriminated against and marginalized. According to the Nepali civil code of 1856, their status was Shudra (the second lowest rank in the Hindu hierarchical system), which meant that they could be killed and enslaved by those of a higher caste. This situation prevailed until the new civil code was formulated in 1962. Much of their land was redistributed and this poverty and lack of a voice within Nepal remains a serious issue even today.

61% of Tamang people are living below the poverty line, and only 34% are literate, while the national average is 63%.